Social Events

As things stand at present, numerous technical excursions are planned. Registration is in most cases free of charge and possible at the conference office on-site.

Social evening

Wednesday, 8 March, 19:15 - 23:00

Please make sure to bring your DAGA conference badge for the entrance.
Time: Starting at 19:15
Place: Mensa der Universität Hamburg
Entrance:Von-Melle-Park 2
We would like to ask you also during the social evening to observe the common hygiene rules with care (regular hand washing, distance to the conversation partner, recommendation to wear a FFP2 or medical mask)

Der gesellige Abend findet in der Mensa der Universität Hamburg statt, nur wenige Schritte entfernt vom CCH und dem Dammtor Bahnhof. Auch die traditionelle Jam-Session soll wieder mit an Bord sein. An der Jam-Session interessierte Mitspieler*innen melden sich zur Koordination bitte bei Malte Kob:
Die Teilnahme am geselligen Abend ist in der Tagungsgebühr bereits enthalten.

Evening Church Tour with Organ Concerts

Tuesday, 7 March, 18:00 - 19:30 pm

When it comes to organs, there are few cities in the world that can compete with Hamburg. We will listen to two of a total of over 300 organs on an evening walk: Starting with the largest organ in northern Germany in the Michel, which can do just about anything from a gentle whisper to a powerful tutti, to the Bach organ in St. Katharinen - a reconstruction of the organ that perished in the war and by which Johann Sebastian Bach was already impressed.

The tour includes the two significant Hamburg churches:

The tour starts at 6 pm sharp at Michel:
Hauptkirche St. Michaelis
Englische Planke 1, 20459 Hamburg (bei google maps)

Participation is free of charge and possible without registration. The churches would be grateful for a small voluntary donation at the exit.