Hygiene measures at DAGA 2023
Information status or last change: 18.12.2022
Please note: The information on this page is updated on an ongoing basis. We kindly ask all participants to inform themselves about the current regulations, especially in advance of their arrival. Thank you for your support!
The basis for DAGA 2023 is the Hygiene Guide of Hamburg Messe & Congress GmbH and the Corona Ordinance of Hamburg as well as the nationwide measures of the Federal Republic of Germany. Please refer to this information for hygiene measures during the conference and observe the recommendations and regulations stated therein.
The following regulations apply subject to the current regulations at the time of the conference. Beyond that there is no obligation (e.g. no 2G or 3G proof is required).
What should I do if I have symptoms or a positive test result?
Rules of conduct in case of suspected infection (BZgA, in German)
If you show symptoms or fear that you are ill, please stay at home or in your hotel room and dial the telephone number of the medical on-call service: 116 117.
If you express any signs of infection on site during the conference, please go outside and contact the staff at the entrance area. You will be directed to the first-aid room where you will receive medical attention from the first-aid staff and can contact the health hotline 116 117.
Please also use the Corona warning app and enter your posivite test result there.
Hygiene measures for authors and discussion participants
Please maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 m from the audience and all other persons during your presentation and discussions. Presentation laptop and microphone are regularly disinfected.
Recommendation: Wearing an FFP2 mask
We ask all participants to wear an FFP2 or medical protective mask at all times, if possible, to ensure the best possible health for themselves and all fellow participants.
Presenters are excluded from this recommendation during the time of their presentation and are asked to keep an appropriate distance from the audience while speaking (min. 1.5 m).
Further instructions
In addition, we ask you to observe the usual hygiene rules (such as washing your hands regularly, keeping a suitable distance from the person you are speaking to) with care.
We also ask for regular voluntary self-testing before attending the conference. In case of infection (positive Covid self-test), participation in the conference is not possible.