Congress Venue

CCH – Congress Center Hamburg
Congressplatz 1, 20355 Hamburg

Ebene Z (3rd floor), with poster exhibition
Ebene Y (2nd floor)
Ebene X (1st floor)
The check-in is located on the ground floor level, right next to the stairs.

Travel to the conference

How to get to the conference by bus, train, car and plane

For your travel to the conference, you are welcome to make use of the "Veranstaltungsticket" of Deutsche Bahn which provides special and non-changing booking rates.
Further information on booking a "Veranstaltungsticket" (German)

Construction work
Please note that due to reconstruction work on the Hamburg rail network, there will be restrictions on long-distance and local trains as well as on the S-Bahn.
Long-distance trains do not currently stop at Dammtor station. Travel from the airport is also partially affected.
Detailed information can be found on the DB homepage.
You can find out which alternative routes are recommended in the DB Navigator or at

No ticket for public transport

Please note that your badge does not include a ticket for public transport.
Please check the conditions and routes at the website of the local public transport service:
hvv – ÖPNV Tickets & Fahrinfo at Google Play Store
hvv - Hamburg Bus & Bahn at App Store

Hotels and Tourism

Hotels near CCH

Information around hotel booking in Hamburg
Hamburg Tourist Board
Tel.: +49 (0) 40 300 51 300
Mo - Fr: 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr

You can also find numerous nearby accommodation options via the usual search portals. We recommend a search in the area "CCH Hamburg".
Due to changes in data protection regulations, hotel contingents can no longer be made available in the usual way.