Instructions for posters

The posters will be displayed continuously from Tuesday to Thursday in the foyer on level Z (3rd floor in front of the plenary hall), sorted by thematic context. The daily poster forum offers the opportunity for intensive discussion with the poster authors. In the conference proceedings, a poster presentation is given the same space as an oral contribution.

Poster format, layout and attachment

You are welcome to integrate the DAGA Logo into your poster (download here). For further discussion, we recommend that poster authors include their email address on the poster.

  • DIN-A0 portrait format (W x H = 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm), beyond that free design
  • Poster printing and mounting by the author on the wall reserved for you, exclusively with the provided mounting material
  • Tue, 07 March, until 10:00 a.m.: mounting of the poster (possibly starting on Monday afternoon. You can also mount your poster at a later time.)
  • Thu, 09 March until 4:00 p.m.: Removal of the poster (remaining posters will be disposed of)

Poster forum on level Z foyer

Overview of poster exhibition (The assignment of the individual poster contributions is available in the DAGA App and in the acceptance email.)
All posters are assigned to one of the three poster forums in the program book:

  • Tuesday (7 March), 3.40 pm - 4.20 pm
  • Wednesday (8 March), 3.40 pm - 4.20 pm
  • Thursday (9 March), 11.00 am - 11.40 am

These times are dedicated exclusively to the posters, without any parallel sessions. We ask the authors to be available at this time for questions and discussions at their posters, to engage in conversation with interested participants and to explain their poster. Autors are welcome to also stand by their posters on the two other days.
The poster forum will take place in the foyer on level Z, directly at the printed posters.

Overview of the Poster Exhibition
The assignment of the individual poster contributions is available in the DAGA App.

Poster Award
A bonus will be awarded to the best three posters by a jury. The awards will be granted at a prominent event at DAGA. One requirement to win the poster award is that the poster is actually presented at DAGA. To apply, please send your poster as a PDF to dega(at) by 19 February 2023.

Copy-Shops close to the conference

We recommend to have the posters printed before arrival.