DAGA 2023 - 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 06.-09. März 2023

Instructions for oral presentations

The schedule of DAGA conference is divided into time slots of 20 minutes:

  • 15 min presentation
  • 3 min discussion
  • 2 min break (time for changing to another session)

This firm schedule will be strictly enforced by automatic alarm clocks. The chair of a session will abort presentations that run out of time.

Language of the presentation

The official language of the conference is German. Yet, contributions in English are welcome and will also be accepted.
You are free to choose your presentation language at the conference (English or German).

Technical equipment and presentation mode

A laptop computer with Windows operation system, a video projector, a laser pointer, and audio equipment for the playback of audio files are available in every lecture room. Own laptops cannot be used. It is possible to play back audio recordings from the laptop in good mono quality.
Your presentation file is ideally prepared in 16:9 or alternatively 4:3 display ratio.

Media Check-In

The online upload for oral presentations is closed. All files submitted online will be available at the conference.

If you have not submitted your oral presentation file yet: Please bring your presentation on USB flash drive to the conference and make sure to transfer it to the laptops at the onsite media check-in (Medienannahme) well before the start of the session. It is located on level Y in room Y10 (2nd floor). Technical staff is ready to assist. At the on-site media check-in, the presentations can be checked in advance for correct display and compatibility with the installed PDF / PowerPoint version. It is essential to ensure that the storage media used are virus-free.

Please name your video file after your reference number before uploading, e.g. "629.pdf".